Who was cain's wife according to islam

The narrative never explicitly states cains motive for murdering his brother, nor gods reason for rejecting cains sacrifice, nor details on the identity of cains wife. The book of genesis tells us that adam and eve had two sons, cain and abel. The reason why we ask more questions about cains wife than, about say, the wives of kenan, or jared, or methuselah is because cains wife was the first wife in the fallen world. According to genesis, cain was the first human born and abel was the first to. Despite the fact that we have regularly addressed this issue in numerous books, articles, and presentations, the issue of cains wife is still one of the most common questions we receive. The nature of the question, if you dont know, is that, according to the bible, when cain kabil killed abel abil, he is sent by god to the land of nod, where he finds a wife. And cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore enoch. The bible does say that adam and eve had other children besides cain and abel genesis 5. No doubt it was one of these daughters that cain took for a wife. Sadly, most christians have not given an adequate answer to this question. I read question 255, about intermarrying among adam and eves children and i did not see any proofs from the quran nor in the hadith. After cain kills abel and settles in the land of nod, we read that cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore enoch. If human origins began with one couple, adam and eve, how did cain find a wife.

Some traditional interpretations consider cain to be the originator of evil, violence, or greed. Does islam have an answer to the cains wife question. Therefore marrying a close relation in the early years after creation would not have resulted in genetic dangers. Qabil and habil are believed by muslims to have been the first two sons of adam arabic. We see in the bible in genesis 3 where adam and eve were cursed and sent out of the garden of eden.

Later in genesis 5 adam and eve had sons and daughters so he evidently married his sister. Of course, there was one earlier wife than cains wife, but that earlier wife s nature was different than an ordinary human wife s nature. In order to answer this question of where cain got his wife, we first need to cover some background information concerning the meaning of the gospel. When he overcame his sorrow he cohabited and allah gave him a son, shith who was born a single child. October 27, 2014 richard ostling patheos explore the worlds faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality. Travis shaffer, pastor of greenvale baptist church in gray station tn.

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